European universities are alliances of transnational higher education institutions which should enable students to obtain a degree by combining studies in several countries and thus contribute to the competitiveness of European higher education. The aim is to offer student-centred study programmes delivered jointly on inter-university campuses. EELISA, coordinated by the Polytechnical University of Madrid, offers a European model of engineering by broadening the scope in order to fully respond to contemporary societal challenges.
EELISA is intended to be a structuring project for the education of future European engineers by:
- Defining and implementing a European engineering model focused on common skills needed to tackle technical and societal issues,
- Removing the current constraints and obstacles to mobility and professional recognition on the continent,
- Making partner institutions the driving force behind this transformation of European higher education.
The diversity of accreditations to issue the title of engineer in each European country is a brake to the mobility of students and engineers, while the need for training has never been greater. Energy and digital transitions require renewing curricula and teaching methods as well as promoting transdisciplinary approaches. The objective is therefore to have a European engineering diploma accredited which will recognize a high level of scientific knowledge, technical skills and societal impact.
An EELISA diploma supplement may also be awarded: a common European approval which will complement the instruments of each partner institution. This supplement will specify the activities, courses, and mobility periods offered for our students.
The engagement of students and their impact on society will be measured by a diploma that all will obtain following participation in learning communities to certify their ability to identify and understand social challenges and to contribute to sustainable solutions.
For the Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées, this is an opportunity to promote at the European level the ingredients of French-style engineering training, and to help bring to the European level the challenges of its supervisory Ministry.
And two associated partners : ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education), provides its experience of European cooperation and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU), expands the opportunity for collaborative projects, especially those addressing challenges related to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
for any request, please send an email at eelisa@enpc.fr
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EELISA is an ERASMUS + project funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement N° 101004081 - EELISA. The European Commission support for the publication of this website content does not constitute an endorsement of the information which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.