Research strategy
The laboratory covers a wide spectrum of computer sciences and their interactions, from algorithms and discrete models, software, networks, and real-time systems, to imaging, statistical signal processing, and digital communications. The focus of scientific policy is to choose, consolidate, or develop research orientations.
It seeks to develop synergies through transversal projects such as data collection, in order to exploit the opportunities offered by the wide variety of expertise available. Its aim is to reinforce the impact of LIGM in its site ecosystem, in particular within the framework of LabEx Bézout and the associated Research Federation. It strengthens its international position by engaging its researchers in the big national research structures (CNRS, ANR…). Finally, it maintains an international reputation through its members’ participation in numerous leading conference committees and on the editorial boards of benchmark journals, through the hosting of guest academics, and through a doctoral education to the highest academic standards, which attracts young foreign researchers.
Research positioning
LIGM is structured into 5 teams, working on fundamental and applied fields of computer science:
► Algorithms, architectures, image analysis and synthesis: dedicated architecture for imaging, geometry, and discrete topology, vision, synthesis and modeling, optimization and learning, reconstruction of 3-D models and semantization;
►Algebraic combinatorics and symbolic calculus: combinatorial Hopf algebras, free probabilities, representation theory and invariant theory and their applications, enumerative combinatorics, and algorithmic aspects of those theories;
► Software, networks, real-time: software approaches, channel access and routing in multi-hop wireless networks, security and services for multi-hop wireless networks, sensors, real-time sequencing;
► Models and algorithms: combinatorics of words, symbolic dynamics, algorithmics for bioinformatics, algorithm analysis, verification, automatic language processing, infinite graphs, machine logic
► Signal and communications: reverse problems, optimization, statistical processing, information theory.
Director: Stephane Vialette
Assistant Director for École nationale des ponts et chaussées: David Picard
Oversight: École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Université Gustave Eiffel, CNRS (UMR 8049)