CERMICS is an École nationale des ponts et chaussées laboratory, hosting shared project teams with INRIA and Université Gustave Eiffel. CERMICS is a member of the Fédération Bézout.
The research activity of the center covers a wide range of topics in applied mathematics. Its key feature is the study of models with deterministic and stochastic aspects, using both theoretical and numerical approaches.
Research is organized along three directions:
1-Mathematical analysis, modeling and development of simulation methods for materials science, molecular simulation and mechanics;
2-Stochastic optimization and operations research;
3-Applied probability for risk modeling and stochastic numerical methods.
► CERMICS is attached to the MSTIC Doctoral School (in French)
► CERMICS is a member of SMAI (Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics)
► Since 2011, CERMICS participates to the Labex Bézout - Models and Algorithms: from discrete to continuous at the interface between mathematics and computer science (in French)
► Since 2012, CERMICS participates to the Labex MMCD - Modeling & Experimentation for Sustainable Construction
Director : Gabriel STOLTZ