Masters in Mathematics, Vision, Learning (MVA)

  Teaching in French. Detailed information, program, admission requirements, and contacts >> click here


Set up in 1996, the MVA two-year Masters program, based at the Mathematics Department at ENS de Cachan, is a program that is unique in France. Every year since its establishment, it has trained several dozen students from universities and grandes écoles for careers in public and private research in the field of applied mathematics for data, image, and signal processing.


The MVA Masters program provides an advanced mathematical and experimental training in analysis, PDEs, geometry, probability, and statistics, used in the study of current research on vision, hearing, learning and information theory, biological and medical imaging.


For 10 years, fast-growing application and research fields associated with the Masters program have attracted interest among a growing number of computer scientists and mathematicians. The courses are taught by the most eminent specialists in each field and are combined with practical work to test the validity of the models and algorithms.

Career openings

Public research (University, CNRS, INRIA, CEA, CNES, INRA, ISPRA, LETI, etc.) and industrial research (Aérospatiale, Alcatel, Sagem, General Electric, Matra, Philips, Siemens, Thomson, Xerox, etc.). An internships forum with a wide spectrum of opportunities is held at the end of December. The number of internships and PhD theses available in the public and private sectors each year far exceeds the number of students.

Course venues 

Principally ENS Cachan.
Other locations: Centrale Supélec; ENS Ulm; École Polytechnique; Jussieu; Télécom ParisTech.