Espace Chercheurs
All the services and resources for researchers are presented on the Espace Chercheurs website. This website seeks to facilitate access to electronic resources and provide a source of scientific and technical information: legal and technical aspects of open science, toolbox, research assistance, guides by lab, the lab, and the possibility of an online chat ...

Services For the Laboratory
The documentalists of the IST pole are advisors for the laboratories of the École des Ponts and carry out several missions:
- Documentary Research
- Tools Training (Zotero, bibliographic databases, etc.)
- Doctoral Training in Open and Integrated Science
- Assistance in Depositing Publications or Data
- Assistance in Writing Data Management Plans
- Legal Information on Open Data and Publication Issues
- Management of Laboratory Libraries
Transversal Services
The IST pole manages subscriptions and access to electronic resources, produces bibliometric studies for the School, and ensures professional monitoring in the field of scientific and technical information.