The Scientific and Technical Information (IST) pole develops expertise in information research, document monitoring, and document engineering. Its mission is to provide the resources and services necessary for researchers at the École's laboratories to carry out their research projects. It aims to enhance the value of the École's scientific production through its actions in favor of open science.
From École nationale des ponts et chaussées to Paris-East University
The School awarded PhDs from 1978 to 2010, totalling around 1000 PhD awards.
900 published theses are referenced in the library catalogue. They are free to access, can be borrowed by registered readers, and lent between libraries.
Since 2008, PhD candidates in the School’s laboratories have registered with the Doctoral schools of Université Paris-Est, a research and higher education cluster of which the School is a founding member. The legal copyright for their theses is registered electronically for permanent archiving.
From paper to electronic PUBLICATIONS
The documentary departments of École nationale des ponts et chaussées, UPEMLV, and UPEC are responsible for collecting, referencing, and copyrighting the theses produced in laboratories belonging to the Comue UPE (Paris-Est University and Institution Community) Doctoral Schools.
If a thesis is not confidential, and if the author has given their approval for online publication, the thesis will be available on the following sites: TEL, HAL (including HAL - ENPC), and possibly Pastel (if the author is affiliated with École nationale des ponts et chaussées). It will also be shown in the SUDOC (University Documentation System catalogue) and on the Dart-Europe European thesis registration site (partnership between European higher education institutions).
Campaign of digitization and online publication of theses dating back to 1978
Do you have a PhD from École nationale des ponts et chaussées? Is your thesis not available online? Tell us how you would like your thesis to be published in HAL/TEL by sending this form to