Articles en revues scientifiques
Sun, D., Leurent, F. & Xie, X. (2021b) Mining Vehicle Trajectories to Discover Individual Significant Places: Case Study Using Floating Car Data in the Paris Region. Accepted in Transportation Research Record.
Boulet X., Zargayouna M.*, Scemama G. & Leurent F. (2021) A Middleware-based Approach for Multi-scale Mobility Simulation. Future Internet 2021, 13, 22.
Leurent, F. & Li, S. (2020) Between Pricing and Investment, What Mobility Policies Would Be Advantageous for Île-de-France? Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2020, Article ID 8859913, 13 pages,
Sun, D., Leurent, F. & Xie, X. (2020) Discovering vehicle usage patterns on the basis of daily mobility profiles derived from Floating Car Data. Transportation Letters, DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2020.1861505
Schanzenbächer F., Farhi N., Leurent F. and GabrielG. (2020) Feedback control for metro lines with a junction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2974342
Poulhès, A. (2020) Dynamic assignment model of trains and users on a congested urban-rail line. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management.
Poulhès A., Berrada J. (2019) Single vehicle network versus dispatcher: user assignment in an agent-based model. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, pp.1-23. 〈hal-02042955〉
Conférences internationales avec actes
Poulhès, A. & Pivano C. (2021) Minimisingthe travel time on congested urban rail lines with a dynamic bi-modelling of trains and users. Transportation Research Procedia, 52-2021: 131-138,
SunD., Leurent F., Xie X. (2021a) Uncovering mobility typologies of territorial zones based on Floating Car Data mining. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 52-2021: 708-715,
Xie X., Leurent F., Zhu Y. (2021) Mining passenger’s regional intermodal mobility from smartcard data, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 52-2021: 724-731, ISSN 2352-1465,
Yin, B. & Leurent, F. (2021b) Exploring Individual Mobility Patterns Based on Geolocation Data from Mobile Phones. Paper TRB#21-01547 presented to the TRB Annual Meeting.
Yin, B. & Leurent, F. (2021a) Identifying Individual Activity Patterns from Mobile Phone Tracking Data. Paper accepted for presentation at the CICTP2021 conference.
Leurent, F. & Li, S. (2020) Les grandeurs de la mobilité en Ile-de-France : une prospective des impacts potentiels de plusieurs stratégies gestionnaires.Congrès annuel ATEC-ITS : RDMI 2020, Jan 2020, 92120 MONTROUGE, France. Texte - Exposé
Leurent, F. (2020) Vers une mobilité partagée en forme olympique ? Communication au congrès RDMI 2020, Atelier A3: Mobilité partagée. Congrès annuel ATEC-ITS : RDMI 2020, Jan 2020, 92120 MONTROUGE, France. Texte - Exposé
Leurent, F. (2020) Véhicules Autonomes en Situation de Service : modèle systémique et application aux expérimentations du programme EVRA. Communication au congrès RDMI 2020, atelier C3. Congrès annuel ATEC-ITS : RDMI 2020, Jan 2020, 92120 MONTROUGE, France. Texte - Exposé
Xie X., Leurent F., Zhou Y. (2020) Activités des voyageurs d’après des traçages multi-sources de la mobilité en Ile-de-France. Communication au congrès ATEC-ITS 2020 «Rencontres de la Mobilité Intelligente», janvier. 〈hal-02955672〉
Dubroca-Voisin, M., Kabalan, B. and Leurent, F. (2019) On pedestrian traffic management in railway stations: simulation needs and model assessment. Transportation Research Procedia, 37: 3-10.
Leurent, F. & Jasmin, T. (2019) A Probabilistic Traffic Model to Estimate Fail-to-Board Probabilities in Transit Lines on the basis of AFC and AVL data. Communication to TransitData 2019 conference, Paris, June.
Trouve, M., Leurent, F. (2018). ModelingUrban Mobility at a Metropolitan Scale: a Comparison of Paris Transportation Models. Presented to Transport Research Arena 2018, TRA 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Vienna. 〈hal-01939140〉
Poulhès A., Pivano C., Leurent F. (2017) Hybrid Modeling of Passenger and Vehicle Traffic along a Transit Line: a sub-model ready for inclusion in a model of traffic assignment to a capacitated transit network. Transportation Research Procedia, 27-2017: 164-171.
Working papers
Leurent, F., Liang K., Iida A., Tamura S., Yamashita Y., Zhang J. (2021) The platform egress times of train passengers: probabilistic analysis with application to the inference of alighting positions Working paper in progress.
Leurent F., Millot T., Xie X., Yin B., Baalal A.S. et al. (2021) The ways of the days: individual profiles of daily mobility according to stay place,time and visit frequency. Paper submitted to conference CASPT21-TransitData2021.
Yin, B. & Leurent, F. (2021b) Exploring multimodal individual profiles from the household travel survey in the Paris region. Working paper in progress.
Mémoires de thèse de doctorat
Trouvé M. (2020) Mobility tools holding and intermodality modelling in Paris.
Boulet, X.(2020) Articulation d’échelles en simulation de déplacements multimodaux.
Morize, X.(2020) Contributions à une approche patrimoniale pour la voie ferrée de tramway.Schanzenbächer, F. (2020) Max-plus modeling of traffic on passenger railway lines with a junction: fundamental diagram and dynamic control.
Berrada, J.(2019) Business models for shared mobility services using self-driving cars.
Chapitres d’ouvrage récents
Leurent, F. (2020a) Towards Shared Mobility Services in Ring Shape. Chapter in De Lucas, S. (ed), "Transportation Systems for Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive and Secure Cities". DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94410
De Bortoli A., Feraille A. and Leurent F. (2020) Lifecycle assessment of transport systems. Chapter 3 in Peuportier B., Leurent F. and Roger-Estrade J. (coord.) «Ecodesign of structures and infrastructures, 2ndvolume». Taylor & Francis, pp. 61-86.
Kotelnikova-WeilerN., Leurent F. and Poulhès A. (2020) Spatial Refinement to Better Evaluate Mobility and its Environmental Impacts. Chapter 4 in Peuportier B., Leurent F. and Roger-Estrade J. (coord.) «Ecodesign of structures and infrastructure, 2ndvolume». Taylor & Francis, pp. 97-113.
Leurent F., Li S. and Badia H. (2020) Structural Design of a Hierarchical Urban Transport Network. Chapter 13 in Peuportier B., Leurent F. and Roger-EstradeJ. (coord.) «Ecodesign of structures and infrastructure, 2ndvolume». Taylor &Francis, pp. 271-286.
Leurent F., Haxaire O. and Lesteven G. (2020) Smart Mobility: A Landscape Under Development. Chapter 21 in Peuportier B., Leurent F. and Roger-EstradeJ. (coord.) «Ecodesign of structures and infrastructure, 2ndvolume». Taylor & Francis, pp. 451-498.
Chrétien J., Le Néchet F., Leurent F. & Yin B. (2018) Using mobile phone data to observe and understand mobility behaviour, territories and transport usage. Chapter 3 in Aguiléra A. &Boutueil V. (eds), Urban Mobility and the Smartphone. Elsevier. PP 79-141. eBook ISBN: 9780128126486 –Paperback ISBN: 9780128126479