Students wishing to undertake part of their degree abroad have several possible sources of funding. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the different possible arrangements.
Erasmus+ scholarships
These scholarships, funded by the European Union, are boosting students'mobillity in the European Union, whether study mobility or internship mobility (regardless if these internships are paid or not). Internship scholarships can also be awarded to students doing their PFE in a European country.
Since 2014, within the framework of the Erasmus + program, the monthly allowances have been set based on the destination country:
- Group 1 countries: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden | 280 euros for study allowance, 430 euros for internship allowance.
- Group 2 countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal and Spain | 230 euros pour for study allowance, 380 euros for internship allowance.
- Group 3 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and Turkey | 180 euros for study allowance, 330 euros for internship allowance.
Students can take part in the Erasmus+ program several times during their degree, up to a maximum of 12 months per academic cycle (Bachelor, master). Periods of mobility can be split during the degree program.
In the case of mobilities for study and/or internships, scholarship applications must be submitted to the Direction of International Relations : Emmanuel Simantov, Head of international mobility or Claire Linder, in charge of operational aspects of scholarship programs.
Île-de-France Region scholarships
Awarded on social criteria and on application from the School, they cover all destinations. Only students with a “family quotient” of up to €19,190 in 2020 are eligible to this scholarship programme.
CDEFI mobility allowances (ARFITEC and BRAFITEC programmes)
The CDEFI (conference of directors of French engineering schools) has set up several international educational cooperation programs. The School participates in the ARFITEC and BRAFITEC programmes.
Through projects supported by CDEFI, students undertaking a period of study with one of our partners in Argentina or Brazil can be awarded a one-off sum for the journey and, on certain conditions, a quarterly mobility allowance paid by the host university.
Fondation des Ponts scholarships and loans
Every year, the Fondation des Ponts awards a number of excellence scholarships (Jacques Coiffard scholarships), and also grants unsecured loans to students completing part of their studies abroad.
Scholarships from other regions
Certain other regions also provide scholarships for study abroad, in particular Rhône-Alpes, but also the Champagne-Ardennes and Midi-Pyrénées regions. You are therefore advised to seek information in your home region (generally the one where you took your baccalaureate), by checking their website.
Erasmus + Masters Loans
Erasmus + offers the possibility of applying for a loan to study for a Masters degree abroad. These loans are provided by the banks and lending agencies involved in the project, in France Caisse d’épargne and Banque Populaire. Higher education students admitted to a full Masters program in an Erasmus + program country can apply for an Erasmus + loan. Students can borrow up to €12,000 for a one-year Masters degree, and up to €18,000 for a two-year Masters program. Students should address their applications directly to the participating banks or lending agencies.
CSC scholarships are aimed at French students from ParisTech universities wishing to complete their final year of studies in Chinese universities. Among other things, the scholarship covers campus accommodation and health insurance, and a monthly subsistence allowance.
United States
Fulbright scholarships provide funding for students who have completed three years of higher education to do a degree in a US university. The annual amount of the scholarship is between €10,000 and €30,000 for an academic year. The deadline for applications is December of the year before travel.
MEXT scholarship: The Japanese Ministry of Education MONBUKAGAKUSHO (MEXT) offers around 15 study and research scholarships (number to be confirmed) to French students who have completed a Masters degree or the 1st year of a Masters program. These scholarships are awarded in all disciplines: social science and humanities, arts and sciences.
Scholarships awarded by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO): this body offers study scholarships to students who have already registered at a Japanese university.
United Kingdom
The Entente Cordiale scholarship funds a “Masters” program in the UK over a maximum period of 12 months and for a maximum amount of £10,000.
Germany - DAAD scholarships and subsidies
The DAAD offers several subsidy and scholarship arrangements for French citizens wishing to study for a degree or do a period of research in Germany.
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