Student life is punctuated by parties organized by the students: barbecues, internal parties, parties open to the public... Each year the School's Gala brings together students, alumni, families and friends. Student life also comprises the Parisian cultural life, only 20 minutes away by RER A express railroad.
The associations are one of the pillars of student life at the School:
The Student Office
Elected each year after a campaign rich in events, the Student Office manages the biggest events of the year (integration weekend, the cultural week, parties...). It also participates in relations with the administration as well as with the School's corporate partners.
The current Student Body: the Bloc Oponts'Ratoire
Contact (infos and partenerships) : bde[at]
► The Student Office website
The Student Office Facebook page
The Sports Office
The Sports office is in charge of the School's sports life and makes the connection with the Ponts' sports administration. It also organizes major inter-school sports events, various weekends (surfing, skiing, kayaking, thrills, etc.) as well as the ski week.
Contact : bds.enpc[at]
► The Sports Office website
The Sports Office Facebook page
The Arts Office
The Arts Office organizes part of the cultural life of the School, including outings to Paris, exhibitions, theater, concerts, operas, ballets...
The Arts Office Facebook Page
Forum étudiant pour un avenir durable (FEAD)
The Student Forum for a Sustainable Future (FEAD) aims to put future engineers in touch with committed organizations to encourage meaningful career paths and give visibility to key players in the socio-ecological transition.
► The FEAD website
The FEAD Facebook page
Dévelop’Ponts is the Schools' solidarity association. It is structured around six poles (Solidarity, Environment, Humanitarian, Equality, Social Openness and Student Refugee Program), and deals with many themes as well as organizes various events: solidarity races, humanitarian projects, participatory cafés, school support, food distributions...
Contact: developponts[at]
Dévelop'Ponts Facebook page
Forum Trium
Organized each year by students from École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Mines ParisTech, ENSTA ParisTech and ENSAE ParisTech, the Forum provides an opportunity for students and companies to meet and learn about the careers within those companies, and to find an internship or an end-of-studies project.
Contact: contact[at]
The Forum Trium Facebook page
Junior company: Ponts Études Projets (PEP)
PEP's mission is to offer the services of the School's students to companies, which allows them to experience marketing, sales, customer relations, project management, recruitment, human resources management, business management... The recruitment of the new team takes place during the first year of the engineering program.
Contact: contact[at]
► Ponts Études Projets website
The Ponts Études Projets Facebook page