Fluid mechanics applied to hydraulics and the environment


The general objective is to develop world-ranking research on fluid mechanics applied to hydraulics and the environment within an international framework based around Ecole des Ponts, and in close collaboration with EDF and its renowned international Chatou hydraulics research center (LNHE - national hydraulics and environment laboratory).

In addition to the establishment of the Chair, this objective is embodied in the creation of the Saint Venant Hydraulics Laboratory, a joint Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées, EDF R&D and CEREMA research unit.


The Chair is dedicated to fluid mechanics applied to hydraulics and the environment. The interdisciplinary work associated with the Chair takes the form of teaching, research and research-based education, in particular following the establishment of the Saint Venant Laboratory. On the teaching side, the aim is to pursue specialization within the Masters programs by developing the range of seminars and providing research scholarships. These activities can also be accompanied by a number of lifelong learning schemes. They draw on contributions from teachers and researchers at Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées, engineers and researchers at EDF, and international experts. On the research and international development side, the Chair seeks to develop close relations with the worldwide hydraulics research community, to attract foreign professors, to conduct student exchanges, to organize internships abroad, and to hold conferences on specialist topics.