The Research Directorate (DR) draws up and manages the implementation of the School’s scientific and research policy, developed within 12 laboratories, most of them run in partnership with other academic or economic actors. Through the Laboratory Council, the DR fosters discussions on future scientific developments within the School, encourages the sharing of key features of the laboratories, their communities, or their affiliates.
The School’s laboratories and their research fields
CEREA - Atmospheric Environment Education and Research Center
Themes: air quality, pollution dispersal and transportation, atmospheric modeling on an urban and regional scale, data assimilation.
CERMICS - Research Center in Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Themes: applied mathematics, sciences computing, modeling, optimization.
CIRED - International Environment and Development Research Center
Themes: development and environmental economics, energy/waste/transportation/water/food issues, global environmental challenges, precautionary principle, modeling.
HM&CO – Hydrology Meteorology and Complexity
Themes: multiscale observation and analysis, system based modeling, management of water as risk and resource, quantity and quality, hydrology for a resilient city.
LATTS - Technologies, Territories, and Societies Laboratory
Themes: social sciences, spatial planning, history, dialogue between social sciences and technology and engineering, in both private sector companies and the public sector. Two major domains tackled: productive organizations and territorial organizations.
LEESU - Water, Environment, and Urban Systems Laboratory
Themes: (in construction)
LHSV - Saint-Venant Hydraulics Laboratory
Themes: fluid mechanics applied to hydraulics and the environment (rivers, coasts, and harbors).
LIGM - Gaspard Monge Computer Science Laboratory
Themes: algorithms and architectures for image analysis and synthesis; algebraic combinatorics and symbolic computation; software, networks and real time; models and algorithms; signal and communication.
LMD - Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory
Themes: atmospheric dynamics, study of climate and its interannual fluctuations, continental and global scales.
LVMT - City, Mobility, Transportation Laboratory
Themes: analysis and modeling of interactions between transportation and spatial planning.
Themes: basic research on the mechanics and physics of materials and structures, and their applications to geotechnics, civil engineering, geophysics, and the oil industry.
PjSE - Paris-Jourdan Economics Laboratory
Themes: general economics research laboratory, with broad coverage of the discipline. A worldwide reputation for excellence, more specifically in theoretical economics, public economics, and labor market economics.