The socio-economic transitions of our societies are generating a multitude of challenges that require us to think globally but act locally. Through its research and teaching programs, École nationale des ponts et chaussées enables its researchers, students and graduates to help shape the dynamics of these transitions. It takes a systemic, forward-looking, multi-disciplinary and open approach to structuring them.
École nationale des ponts et chaussées' CSR strategy is based on the 5 axes of the SD&SR (sustainable development and social responsibility) reference framework proposed by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and the Conference of University Presidents. In October 2024, the School applied for certification based on these guidelines. In 2023, it set up an SD&RS council, which met twice and validated a master plan in October 2024. The plan is based on process mapping, which is part of the École's ISO 9001-certified quality approach.
A management system that integrates SD&RS:
- An approach linked to the quality management system
- An SD&RS Committee bringing together internal and external stakeholders to report on actions and define and steer strategy.
- A Socio-Ecological Transformation Manager reporting directly to the Director of the School, working alongside the Director of Digital Transformation and the Director of Process Transformation.
- A dialogue with student associations (Dévelop'Ponts, Forum Étudiant pour un Avenir Durable) to ensure consistency of actions.
- Process management with a view to efficiency, collaboration and sobriety
- Regular performance measurement
- A responsible purchasing policy
Create and pass on knowledge, methods, tools and modes of governance to ensure that our actions respect planetary limits and improve living conditions for everyone
- A skills framework that fully integrates the socio-ecological transition
- A set of training objectives defined in 2020
- A common core curriculum to achieve these pedagogical objectives
- An assessment of the syllabuses of each of the engineering training modules and Masters courses in terms of their contribution to the skills identified.
- Promotion of students' commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility both inside and outside the School, particularly during visits to companies and in their associative activities.
- Supporting training players in their SD&RS transformation.
Producing knowledge
- Work to define the terms and conditions of governance to clarify the purpose of “responsible research” at the School and provide support for researchers.
- An assessment of the environmental impact of the School's research, with a view to reducing it.
Sharing and disseminating knowledge
- Helping to restore confidence in science
- Development of the Open Science plan
- Participation at national level in the deployment of the SD&RS approach in higher education
A thriving, supportive and agile team
A responsible, collaborative campus
- Safe, comfortable, functional buildings that facilitate exchanges and respect the environment
- Responsible food supply for all users
- Reducing the environmental impact of mobility
- Controlling the environmental impact of our digital uses
A transparent and fair social policy
- Implementation of a quality of life policy at School and at work
- Promoting diversity in the recruitment of students, researchers and employees
- Inclusion of SD&RS as a structuring component of the GPEC process
Efficient work tools that facilitate collaborative working
- Optimization of our information system
- Promoting sober use of resources
Presented annually to the School Council, this report provides a summary of the key sustainable development indicators and targets.
► Download Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées Green Plan (in French)
The School signed the Grenoble Agreement in December 2021. This agreement brings together over 50 Higher Education Institutions committed to ecological transition.
► Download the Grenoble Agreement
The 2021-2025 French National Action Plan for Sustainable Purchasing specifies that 30% of public contracts must have at least one social or environmental clause.
At École nationale des ponts et chaussées, this target has been met: out of the 25 contracts awarded in 2024, 14 included at least one social or environmental clause.