Executive Masters

Executive Master

The École nationale des ponts et chaussées Executive Master (MS) program lasts 12 to 18 months. Successful completion of a MS program is recognized by the award of a diploma accredited by the 'Conférence des Grandes Écoles' and bearing the label 'Mastère Spécialisé', designed to enable holders of a Master-level degree to acquire specialized or complementary knowledge and skills. We encourage prospective graduate students to explore options based on their academic field of interest (building industry, real estate, transportation, engineering, energy, urban planning, project management, finance, entrepreneurship...). Our MS include courses in sustainable development and contribute to training professionals working toward the ecological transition.

Our programs entail a minimum of 350 hours of classes (theoretical and practical), taught by teachers from the academic and professional worlds, together with the writing of a vocational thesis for public presentation and defense. The MS degree carries 75 credits under the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS). Whether part-time or full-time, our programs can be followed by young graduates wishing to specialize, or by more experienced working professionals as part of a lifelong learning plan. Each MS is conceived as a response to the real and specific needs of companies.

Our Executive Masters (Mastère Spécialisé®) are accredited in France by the "Conférence des Grandes Écoles"

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