Senior researcher and deputy director of CEREA, École des Ponts and EdF R&D
Statut : Professeur
Thématique : Mathématiques, informatique
Département : Ville Environnement Transport
Marc Bocquet works in the field of data assimilation, inverse problems, machine learning in the geosciences as well as in environmental statistics. He develops new mathematical methods to better estimate the state of the atmosphere and the ocean or improve our geoscience numerical models, using large sets of observations. Moreover, he applies these methods to dispersion and atmospheric chemical transport models. He is the author of 110 research papers and co-author and co-editor of two books, associate editor for 4 journals, and a fellow of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. He teaches data assimilation and machine learning in the Paris area geoscience master degrees MOCIS and WAPE, of Sorbonne Université, École Polytechnique, École Normale Supérieure, ENSTA and École des Ponts
Consultez son profil sur le site du laboratoire CEREA